Finding Your Perfect uLace Fit.
Understanding Eyelet Span Is The Key To Finding Your Perfect uLace Fit.
Eyelet Span is the distance between adjacent eyelets on your sneakers.
Your foot or sneaker size will not necessarily determine the size, or type, of uLaces you require. Instead, it’s 100% about how the sneaker is designed and how the manufacturer spaced the eyelets across the foot.
Below is a bit more information about uLace’s no-tie shoelace products, and a clear guide on how to find the right no tie laces for Converse, New Balance sneakers, Skechers, Vans or any other brand. Just remember the right fit lies in matching the eyelet spacing of your sneakers to the right length of uLaces.
Watch uLace founder and CEO Tim Talley –– Shark Tank Season 5 winner –– demonstrate how one person may need a different uLace product to properly lace three different styles of sneakers....
Although the shoe size remains the same across all three sneakers, each design features different eyelet spans, and will need a different type of elastic uLace shoelace.
Tim will also demonstrate how to use the uLace size finder ruler to find the right size of uLaces for your sneakers. So whether you’re looking for no tie laces for Converse, elastic laces for New Balance sneakers, or no tie or elastic laces for Skechers, Vans, or any other brand, follow along to learn how to match the perfect uLace products to all your favorite sneakers.
Of course, If you don't have a printer handy, no worries. The uLace size finder is based on inches so shoppers can use a standard ruler to take their own measurements and then simply refer back to the image of the size finder to find their perfect uLace product. Simply measure the eyelet span across your favorite tennis shoes to find the right no tie laces for Vans, Nikes, Adidas or any other brand!
As Sneaker Freaker Magazine said about uLace: “It’s easy peasy.”
In lacing up well over 5,000 pairs of sneakers over the last decade, the uLace team has determined that most major manufacturers leverage 4 eyelet span lengths when designing sneakers. That’s why uLace created 4 unique uLace No-Tie Laces products to fit every sneaker: Classic, Slims, Kiddos, & Shorts.

uLace Classic

uLace Kiddos

uLace Slims

uLace Shorts
Classic is for Wide Eyelet Spans.
Classic Profile
uLace Classic is the original uLace product designed for the classic-styled sneakers that generally features a wide eyelet span across the foot. These generally appear to be more old-school, chunkier sneakers and skateboard shoes. If you’re looking for no tie laces for Converse, Nikes or Vans you’re probably going to need uLace Classic.

Slims are for Medium Eyelet Spans.
Slims Profile
uLace Slims were designed for sleeker, fashion-oriented sneakers that feature an eyelet span that is neither wide, nor especially short. This type of eyelet spacing can be found on lots of sport-fashion sneakers for both men and women. If you’re looking for elastic laces for Skechers, slim Adidas tennis shoes or other designer athletic shoes you’re probably looking for uLace Slims.

Shorts are for Narrow Eyelet Spans.
Shorts Profile
uLace shorts are designed for ultra-premium adult sneakers that feature a very Short –– 1 ¼” to 1 ¾” –– eyelet span. This very short eyelet spacing is oftenfound on all leather sneaker brands such as Common Projects, Oliver Cabell andBeckett Simonon. If you’re looking for no tie laces for sneakers from any of these brands or elastic shoelaces for premium New Balance releases or other narrow sneakers you’re probably best equipped with uLace Shorts.

Kiddos are for Kids 3-12 Years Old.
Kiddos Profile
uLace Kiddos is a one size fits most product for kids ages 3 to 12 years old. Our research shows that most children’s sneakers are designed on a platformthat utilizes the medium-width eyelet span. If you’re looking for elastic or no tie laces for kids’ Converse, Vans, Skechers, or any other sneaker brand you can count on uLace Kiddos to do the trick.